Whether you have been charged with drinking and driving, driving without a license, domestic violence, or other misdemeanor and traffic violations it is important that you have an experienced and attentive legal representative to investigate and evaluate your case.
If you have been charged with a crime that was dismissed or have a criminal conviction and more than one year has elapsed, we will evaluate your case to determine your eligibility for expunging or sealing those records. We can assist you with having these records expunged or sealed to prevent employers, landlords, and other entities from using these previous incidents to negatively impact your life.
Immigration Concerns?
If you are undocumented or have lawful permanent residence you should never plea guilty to a crime or offense without knowing the immigration consequences of a conviction. Our office will ask the necessary questions about your immigration history, criminal background and personal circumstances to evaluate the impact that a conviction could have on your ability to obtain lawful immigration status or render you deportable from the United States. We will work our hardest to obtain a positive outcome in your case that will not have a significant impact on your immigration status.